MoFEM::OpMassImpl< 1, 1, GAUSS, OpBase > Member List

This is the complete list of members for MoFEM::OpMassImpl< 1, 1, GAUSS, OpBase >, including all inherited members.

betaCoeffMoFEM::OpMassImpl< 1, 1, GAUSS, OpBase >protected
iNtegrate(EntitiesFieldData::EntData &row_data, EntitiesFieldData::EntData &col_data)MoFEM::OpMassImpl< 1, 1, GAUSS, OpBase >inlineprotected
integrateImpl(EntitiesFieldData::EntData &row_data, EntitiesFieldData::EntData &col_data, double vol)MoFEM::OpMassImpl< 1, 1, GAUSS, OpBase >protected
OpMassImpl(const std::string row_field_name, const std::string col_field_name, ScalarFun beta=[](double, double, double) constexpr { return 1;}, boost::shared_ptr< Range > ents_ptr=nullptr, boost::shared_ptr< MatrixDouble > cache_mat=nullptr)MoFEM::OpMassImpl< 1, 1, GAUSS, OpBase >inline